This form, and all supplementary materials, must be submitted by the person interested in being a class participant by October 31. Please fill out the form as completely as possible, attaching additional info as needed or indicated. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age at the time the class is held.
Special Note: The selection process for Leadership Bluegrass is competitive, with more applicants than there are positions available. A key principle of class selection is to include a broad representation of professionals who are viewed as having demonstrated leadership and/or who may exhibit a strong future impact in bluegrass music. Your application or recommendation does not guarantee acceptance into the class. The IBMA guarantees that everyone who applies will be given an equal opportunity.
A participant fee of $400/IBMA Members or $475/non-members (class fee plus IBMA membership) is payable to IBMA after you have been invited to attend. For info on partial scholarships based on financial need or travel expense, call 888-GET-IBMA or 615-256-3222.